Our Programs
First: We started with one branch - in Jerusalem, focusing on lone immigrants from the former Soviet Union1 who would have otherwise fallen through the cracks.
Second: We added a 2nd branch - in Be'er Yaakov, a small city in Israel's center, for Israeli born students from traditional but often difficult personal backgrounds.
Third: Following Oct 7, feeling a need to further contribute and enable students to live the rehabilitation of the hard-hit South and people of Israel - a 3rd Mechinat Harel branch opened - in Netivot, in the heart of the Gaza Envelope region.
What We Do
Mechinat Harel’s IDF preparatory academy is a six-month residential program providing the highest level of preparation for IDF service, and after, as Israeli citizens
The Numbers Keep Growing
Study days and field trips
Participants in Harel programs
Picture Gallery
Army Preparation
As a mechina kdam tzvait - which translates literally as pre-army preparatory academy, our job is to provide the best possible preparation to the special young men and women enrolled at Mechinat Harel - and we take our job very seriously.
Alongside rigorous physical fitness training, students learn about the workings
and structure of today's IDF, and their motivation to perform meaningful service is greatly enhanced by unique presentations on IDF history, significant battles, and national heroes.
Civic [Zionist, Jewish] Preparation
To best prepare these wonderful young men and women to fully realize their potential as valued and contributing members of Israeli society and the Jewish people - we provide a broad, high-level, experiential, and meaningful educational platform.
Classroom instruction and field trips focusing on Israeli culture and Jewish heritage, holidays and customs; meeting inspirational and successful individuals from all arenas; introduction to financial planning and career guidance; unique female empowerment guidance sessions.
Our Partners
In making dreams become reality
Our Effect
*The following data was collected in 2022, as part of an independent evaluation report prepared by the Zofnat Institute for Organizational Development, Consulting and Research.
✓ Over 96% enlistment in IDF.
✓ 86% of graduates attest that following the program they feel more at home in Israel.
Our Effect
✓ Extremely high rate enlisting as combat soldiers – 74% (male), (48% overall).
✓ As a result of the program, 76% of graduates experience a stronger sense of belonging to Jewish people.
Our Effect
✓ 31% of Mechinat Harel graduates become commanders, with several becoming officers.
✓ 81% of graduates experience a stronger sense of belonging to Israeli society.
Our Effect
✓ Mechinat Harel strengthened the motivation to enlist among 73%.
✓ 66% of participants report a strengthened sense of their Jewish identity.
Our Effect
✓ Over 95% successfully complete their full service (three-years for men, two years for women).
✓ 79% of Mechinat Harel graduates report the program strengthened their Israeli identity.
Our Effect
✓ 72% wanted to perform a more "meaningful service" in the IDF as a result of Mechinat Harel.
✓ 75% say that attending Mechinat Harel contributed to their integration in Israel.
Our Effect
✓ 79% of (male) graduates, 50% (overall) reported that the military position they chose was exclusively, or largely the result of Mechinat Harel's effect.
✓ 70% (Mechinat Harel - Jerusalem) report feeling more connected to their Russian Jewry heritage as a result of the program.
Why the name 'Harel' ?
We chose the name 'Harel' to
underscore the link
between the historic brigade of lone immigrants who were heroes of Israel’s War of Independence—and our twenty-first century trailblazers who follow in their footsteps
Mechinat Harel
Our Story
Mechinat Harel, established in 2016, was founded to provide an opportunity for those who otherwise wouldn't be able to shine.
While there were and are many other Mechinot, each with its own niche, Mechinat Harel is unique in that we provide a home-base and a springboard for realizing dreams - for those who would have otherwise fallen through the cracks.
As our near-decade of experience has shown, once given the opportunity, they rise to the occasion. Performing meaningful IDF service well beyond the normal levels, and connecting with Judaism and Israeli society in ways nobody thought possible.
Natasha Pudetchya
4th graduating class
The Harel Preparatory Program strengthened my motivation to make a contribution, volunteer, and give of myself. We dug into our heritage in field trips, discovered Israel's beautiful natural landscapes, and learned about the ancient history of each site we visited. The time I spent in the Harel program was a beautiful period in my life
I invested in myself and my values to become a better person and make a difference in the world
Mark Donarov
4th graduating class
The Harel Preparatory Program, the staff, and the atmosphere helped me to upgrade my military profile so that I could serve in a combat unit.
Together with a group of friends, we decided to serve in the Tank Corps, an under-appreciated division that is crucial to success in battle.
We wanted to remove the stigma, and give it our all. It was possible only due to Harel: Our commitment to Israel, our knowledge of our Jewish identity, and the team spirit that motivated us to make a difference
Lisa Zaborvski
6th graduating class
For me, Harel was six months of experiences, field trips. Volunteering and so much more. I'm so happy I chose to postpone my army service to participate in the Harel program. I had so many important experiences that I couldn't have otherwise imagined